1.      Mountainbikes don't get pregnant. 登山車不會懷孕

2.      You can ride your mountainbike any time of the month.


3.      Mountainbikes don't have parents. 登山車沒有父母

4.      Mountainbikes don't whine unless something is really wrong.


5.      You can share your mountainbike with your friends.


6.      Mountainbikes don't care how many other mountainbikes you've ridden.


7.      When riding, you and your mountainbike can arrive at the same time.

         出去騎的時候 你和你的登山車可以同時候抵達

8.      Mountainbikes don't care how many other mountainbikes you have.


9.      Mountainbikes don't care if you look at other mountainbikes.


10.  Mountainbikes don't care if you buy mountainbike magazines.


11.  You'll never hear, "Surprise, you are going to own a new mountainbike" unless you go out to buy 

       one yourself.  你絕對不會聽到驚訝吧, 你將會有台新的登山車 除非你自己去買一台

12.  If your mountainbike goes flat you can fix it.

       如果你的登山車破胎了 你可以自己修好

13.  If your mountainbike is too loose you can tighten it.

       如果你的登山車太鬆了 你可以自己轉緊

14.  If your mountainbike is misaligned, you don't have to discuss politics with it.

       如果你的登山車沒調整好 你不需要跟她討論策略

15.  You can have a black mountainbike and bring it home to your parents.

       你可以有台黑登山車 並帶回家給父母看

16.  You don't have to be jealous of the guy who works on your mountainbike.


17.  If you say bad things to your mountainbike, you don't have to apologize before you ride it again.   

       如果你說你的登山車壞話 你不需要在下次騎她之前對她道歉

18.  You can ride your mountainbike as long as you want and it won't getsore.

       只要你願意 你可以騎你的登山車多久都無所謂 而且她不會生氣

19.  You can stop riding your mountainbike as soon as you want and it won't get frustrated.

       在任何時候你都可以停下不騎你的登山車 而不會覺得沮喪

20.  Your parents won't remain in touch with your old mountainbike after you dump it.

       你的父母不會在你把舊登山車拋棄後 還繼續跟她聯絡

21.  Mountainbikes don't get headaches. 登山車不會頭疼

22.  Mountainbikes don't insult you if you're a bad rider.

       即使你是一個很差的騎士 登山車不會譏笑你

23.  Your Mountainbike never wants a night out with the other mountainbikes.


24.  Mountainbikes don't care if you're late. 登山車不會在意你遲到

25.  You don't have to take a shower before you ride your mountainbike.

       在騎你的登山車之前 你不需要先去洗個澡

26.  If your mountainbike doesn't look good you can paint it with another color.

       如果你的登山車長的不好看 你可以把她換一個顏色

27.  When in mixed company, you can talk about what a great ride you had the last time you were on  

       your mountainbike.  當跟一大群人在一起時, 你可以盡情談論上回騎你的登山車的愉快經驗

28.  The cops don't come after you if you kick the shit out of your mountainbike .
       如果你拋棄你的登山車, 警察不會來找你麻煩

(轉載自不知名網路車友, 相當有意思)


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